Project: To honor the two founding families as this historic center underwent its first renovation in many years.
Solution: PACC has been a bustling and important center for health care in New York City for many years. Its roots go back almost 100 years. We and our client wanted to create a strong and respectful impression for the founding families whose generosity started this center and supported its growth over the years.
The design you are looking at is a multi-leveled recognition. Level one is sand blasted glass with a tribute to each family engraved into each panel. The panels are then set atop a reworked image from the center’s past. From an array of possible images, two were chosen that represented this center’s history the best. The photos were also chosen based on their quality for reproduction. The next step was “ghosting” each image so that you could make out the image yet still be able to read the overlaid text — it worked perfectly. Although the photos on our site look like reflections in glass they are actually “ghosted images” on metal set behind the engraved glass face panels.
Working with the architect each plaque and panel combination was set into a fitted cutout in the wall. The final layer was pin letters into the wall to complete the display.