Client: Jewish Community Center Association
Project: Develop a system of major donor panels to be installed in the main vestibule leading into our client's offices.
Solution: The donor panels were already designed and installed in their prior facility. We worked with their new designers and architects to re-house the panels in a striking setting. The choice was to build a new framing system and back light all the panels. The installation proved to be effective and startling. When you get out of the elevators to go to this client's offices you are immediately aware of the quality of service they represent.
Project: Develop a system of major donor panels to be installed in the main vestibule leading into our client's offices.
Solution: The donor panels were already designed and installed in their prior facility. We worked with their new designers and architects to re-house the panels in a striking setting. The choice was to build a new framing system and back light all the panels. The installation proved to be effective and startling. When you get out of the elevators to go to this client's offices you are immediately aware of the quality of service they represent.