Capital Campaigns

Project: To create a visual and brand sensitive donor recognition system to honor the major campaign donors to this newly renovated center.  The client wanted the system up early to enhance donors and donations. They did not want names up at the start.


Solution: The Berry Center already had recognitions in metal and glass, and so we chose to stay with these materials in order to be consistent with the center’s theme. The first phase of this installation was created using quotes engraved into the glass and full color images reflecting the center, both inside and out.


Stage two of this installation was replacing some of the photos with lists of names of the major donors to the campaign. Making this happen was effortless since the entire array of panels were all magnetically applied and easy to remove. The magnetic construction also allowed us to update the donor panels with minimum effort. A digital display was added to the installation to show off the facility’s wealth of images culled over the years. The display also allowed for presentations of events and other related information.

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