Client: Dodge YMCA
Project: Provide a complete donor recognition system for a newly constructed YMCA.
Solution: For this client we turned to the fine arts. Our in-house artists created a Piet Mondrian inspired glass panel array. The different sizes of glass panels held varying levels of donor names. In general the glass sizes reflected the donation sizes. For major donor we sand blasted one name per panel. For the next levels of giving we included more names per panel. And for the city-wide matched gifts portion of the project we included all those donors on one clearly identifiable multi colored deep carved sand blasted glass panel. This panel was then replicated as the ID panel for all 20 YMCA's that participated in the campaign.
For the room naming portion of this project we continued with the all glass theme. Named areas were recognized with deep carved sand blasted glass panels.
Project: Provide a complete donor recognition system for a newly constructed YMCA.
Solution: For this client we turned to the fine arts. Our in-house artists created a Piet Mondrian inspired glass panel array. The different sizes of glass panels held varying levels of donor names. In general the glass sizes reflected the donation sizes. For major donor we sand blasted one name per panel. For the next levels of giving we included more names per panel. And for the city-wide matched gifts portion of the project we included all those donors on one clearly identifiable multi colored deep carved sand blasted glass panel. This panel was then replicated as the ID panel for all 20 YMCA's that participated in the campaign.
For the room naming portion of this project we continued with the all glass theme. Named areas were recognized with deep carved sand blasted glass panels.