Client: Girls Inc.
Project: Provide a brand sensitive annual fund donor wall for a main office waiting room.
Solution: Like many of our works, brand identity is best captured in one of our DonorMurals™. Girls Inc. provided us with a wealth of photography from their archives. We cut and cropped the photos until we had a set of images that uniquely and impressively told the Girls Inc. story. The enhanced images and donor lists were then all manufactured in photo imbedded metal plaques. A three dimensional wood back board and raised lattice finished off the installation.
Annual updates are simple. New donor lists are sent to us. We typeset them by category and return them to our client for approval. Once okayed, we manufacture four new panels and the update is complete. The old plaques come off with just four screws and the new panels go up the same way. A complete update takes about 10 minutes.
As the campaign grows we offer two options for adding more names. We can reduce the type size of the names on each plaque and make room for more on the original four panels or we can remove one photo plaque and replace it with a donor list plaque. The modularity of the design makes growth easy. It also allows for photography changes to keep the look fresh. With one of our DonorMurals™ you can create an entirely new look every year.
Project: Provide a brand sensitive annual fund donor wall for a main office waiting room.
Solution: Like many of our works, brand identity is best captured in one of our DonorMurals™. Girls Inc. provided us with a wealth of photography from their archives. We cut and cropped the photos until we had a set of images that uniquely and impressively told the Girls Inc. story. The enhanced images and donor lists were then all manufactured in photo imbedded metal plaques. A three dimensional wood back board and raised lattice finished off the installation.
Annual updates are simple. New donor lists are sent to us. We typeset them by category and return them to our client for approval. Once okayed, we manufacture four new panels and the update is complete. The old plaques come off with just four screws and the new panels go up the same way. A complete update takes about 10 minutes.
As the campaign grows we offer two options for adding more names. We can reduce the type size of the names on each plaque and make room for more on the original four panels or we can remove one photo plaque and replace it with a donor list plaque. The modularity of the design makes growth easy. It also allows for photography changes to keep the look fresh. With one of our DonorMurals™ you can create an entirely new look every year.